News Presentation Process and Fake News Screening of News Television Program of Television Channel 7HD


  • Gunthap Lertritthisate School of Commucation Arts, Bangkok University
  • Weerapong Pounglek Schoo of Communication Arts, Bangkok University


News presentation process, Fake news screening, News Program of television Channel 7HD


Research study the objective of “News presentation process and fake news screening of news television program of television channel 7HD”. To study the meaning, format, process of presenting news and how to screen for fake news in view of the news editorial of television channel 7HD, this research was a qualitative research case study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with three key informants: news manager. News editors and reporters. In total 9 people. The research results were found that the meaning of fake news consists of 4 things: 1. News that contains false content 2. Propaganda 3. News presented to one side 4. Impersonation. And there are 7 forms of fake news: 1. Satire or parody 2. Link to mimic 3. Misrepresent 4. False contexts 5. Perversion 6. Falsification 7. Change according to objectives. And the news presentation process has 4 steps: 1. Pre-production preparation 2. Inspection and screening process 3. Production process 4. Post-production process. And there are 4 steps to filtering fake news: 1. Evaluate the content for preliminary observations. 2. Inspect the source of the news. 3. Check the accompanying sources. 4. Ask the agency or expert directy


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How to Cite

Gunthap Lertritthisate, & Weerapong Pounglek. (2020). News Presentation Process and Fake News Screening of News Television Program of Television Channel 7HD. Journal of Digital Communications, 4(4), 90–109. Retrieved from



Research article