Digital Etiquette: Online Communication Rules for Thai Digital Citizens Awareness

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Titinan Pewnil


This article researches the issue of digital etiquette, principally based on the concepts of social and internet code of conduct and interpersonal communication. Documentary research was done with data gathered from documents, books, research papers, and related articles from seven main sources. Data were analyzed by data classification and comparison, including content analysis. Results were that information on digital etiquette may be categorized into four main classifications: communication etiquette, social online etiquette, digital etiquette and violations of online behavior rules and their effect. Online communication etiquette requirements were linked to social etiquette in Thailand and abroad, communication code of conduct, and digital rules of deportment, forming the basis for online protocol today. Digital etiquette emphasizes the principle of digital empathy while reflecting the communicative nature of Internauts netizens, especially in terms of chat behavioral requirements. These findings suggest that knowledge and awareness should be promoted of digital communication etiquette in Thailand by associating it with different mechanisms to meet appropriate online social norms.

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How to Cite
Pewnil, T. (2021). Digital Etiquette: Online Communication Rules for Thai Digital Citizens Awareness. NBTC Journal, 5(5), 401–418. Retrieved from
Research article


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