Working in the New Normal of the Office of the NBTC
Working in the New Normal, Flexible work, Office of the NBTC, NBTC StaffAbstract
This article emphasizes the study of working in the new normal in the perspectives of the NBTC executives and staffs. Flexible work and mixed methodology had been applied for the course of conducting this research project: a qualitative methodology through in - depth interview with Secretary General of NBTC and Deputy Secretary General of Strategic and Internal Affairs of NBTC. Meanwhile, a quantitative methodology through a questionnaire had been provided for the Executives and various staffs. The focus group was the Directors, Division Directors, Senior–Middle–Junior level employees and staff. A total of this sample group was 313 persons. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis together with a theoretical framework to explain the data. The survey founded that most NBTC staffs feel satisfy the current job model with the average of high level, whereas the moderate level reveals the current job model obstacles. Top three most favorable styles of flexible work consist of periods of time overlap, clock-in and out more than a round, and counting hours of work per day respectively. From the feedback of the NBCT executives, they agree to adopt a flexible work with the average of high level.
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