The Development of Chatbot Program for Digital Citizenship Skill Development: Safety Use of Digital Technology among Senior Citizens


  • Ousa Biggins National Institute of Development Administration
  • Chawaporn Dhamanitayakul Rangsit University
  • Kunyarat Sriwitsatiyakul King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
  • Ussanee Malisuwan Rangsit University


Chatbot program, Digital citizenship, Digital safety skills, IT literacy, Senior citizen


     The objectives of the project were to study the digital citizenship skills in connection with digital technology safety among Thai senior citizens, and the relationship between digital citizenship skills improvement and their acceptance of technology. The study result would be used for developing chatbot program as an assistant for safe use of digital technology among senior citizens. The methodology included in-depth interview with experts as well as survey and focus group discussion with senior citizens. The findings showed that Thai senior citizens' digital citizenship skills lay upon their IT literacy, self-protection, respecting others, and digital securitization. In addition, digital citizenship skills in IT safety among Thai senior citizens significantly related to their acceptance of technology, and Line application was the most used application among them. Therefore, the chatbot program suitable for senior citizens in the Line application was developed as an assistant to educate and advise Thai senior citizens on IT safety. After the trial, it was found that the chatbot program satisfactorily helped improving digital citizenship skills in IT safety among senior citizens. Consequently, it was recommended that related organizations should integrate the use of this innovative communication as a means to promote lifelong learning among senior citizens.


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How to Cite

Biggins, O. ., Dhamanitayakul, C., Sriwitsatiyakul, K. ., & Malisuwan, U. . (2022). The Development of Chatbot Program for Digital Citizenship Skill Development: Safety Use of Digital Technology among Senior Citizens. Journal of Digital Communications, 6(6), 99–120. Retrieved from



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