The Popularity of Children’s Programs on Thai Digital Terrestrial Television


  • Benyathip Laorrojwong Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
  • Nicharpawee Kokkamhaeng Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
  • Damiya Pongtanee Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission


Children Television Program, Digital Terrestrial Television, Children’s Program Market


     This article aims to study and analyze the current market of children’s programs on Thai digital terrestrial television by analyzing the program format, content, and key success factors from successful children’s programs in order to promote the production of children’s television programs in Thailand. The study analyzed the format and content of programs as well as the television rating data from AGB Nielsen Media Research (Thailand) Company Limited. The study found that during 2015 and 2020, number of children’s programs on Thai digital terrestrial television has been continually declining. There was only three-fourth of children’s programs in 2020 when compared to 2015. Moreover, the successful children’s programs, in terms of rating, had specific program format and include not only children but also other target audiences. This article compiled recommendations for both network operators and content creators. It is recommended that contents with high popularity and those with limited quantity should be created. The NBTC, as a content regulator, is suggested to provide support in terms of fund and knowledge so that children’s programs be developed and sustained on Thai digital terrestrial television.


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How to Cite

Laorrojwong, B. ., Kokkamhaeng, N. ., & Pongtanee, D. . (2022). The Popularity of Children’s Programs on Thai Digital Terrestrial Television. Journal of Digital Communications, 6(6), 257–276. Retrieved from



Academic article