Service-Based Architecture of Core Network Architecture for 5G Technology


  • Pongpisit Wuttidittachotti King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Phisit Pornpongtechavanich Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin Wang Klai Kangwon Campus


Service-Based Architecture, 5G, core network


     This academic paper aims to study and explain the essential elements of 5G technology, especially the Service-Based Architecture (SBA) by studying from documents and relevant standard sources. The results found that the SBA consists of 11 key functions which are responsible for 5G network operation including network exposure function, NF repository function, network storage function, network slice selection function, unified data management, policy control function, session management function, access and mobility management function, user plane function, authentication server function, application function, and data network. This will help readers gain a deeper understanding of how 5G technology works and lead to research development or applying 5G appropriately. For example, a real-time application to control remote medical surgeries, self-driving vehicles and a more secure wireless network.


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How to Cite

Wuttidittachotti, P. ., & Pornpongtechavanich, P. . (2022). Service-Based Architecture of Core Network Architecture for 5G Technology. Journal of Digital Communications, 6(6), 327–348. Retrieved from



Academic article