Reflexivity of the Television Operation of the NBTC and Policy Proposals in the Context of Converged Media


  • Bandit Tungprasert, Ph.D. Performance Follow-up and Evaluation Commission


Performance Follow-up and Evaluation Committee in television broadcasting area,, NBTC,, The Reflection and Policy Proposals


This paper aims to present the reflection of the television operation performance monitoring and evaluation committee regarding the performance of the NBTC and to present the policy proposal in order to monitor the performance of the NBTC in the context of convergence media. This article will mainly present the reflection from in-depth interviews, focus groups, and public hearings with the stakeholders in the television industry. The study finds that the television programs consumers’ behavior has moved to the OTT platform, which enables them to access anywhere, anytime. The platform also has no content regulation, which results in the vast diversity of content, in addition to the high competition between foreign OTT providers, which motivates the producers to feed new programs to the platform at lower cost but with higher profit. Therefore, to support the industry, NBTC should support producers with creative and constructive content for the community, by providing them the support to facilitate producers with high-quality programs to develop their human resources on both local and regional levels and to develop media self-regulation under basic moral standards. As for regulation, NBTC should expand and elevate their regulation onto the OT platform, by incorporating related organizations and ensure law implementation.


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How to Cite

Bandit Tungprasert, Ph.D. (2021). Reflexivity of the Television Operation of the NBTC and Policy Proposals in the Context of Converged Media. Journal of Digital Communications, 5(5), 75–89. Retrieved from



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