Merger of True Corporation and Total Access Communication (DTAC): Technological Perspective


  • AM Thanapant Raicharoen, Ph.D. Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission


Business combination, Business merger, Technological analysis


     This article summarized the study result of the subcommittee for analyzing business combination case between True Corporation Public Company Limited and Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (DTAC). The objective was to gather opinions on technological analysis of business merger cases through case studies from the USA, Canada, and Malaysia. Procedures of the study were as follows: 1) set hypothesis of merger scheme and spectrum ownership of each company during the next five years, taking into account the expiring spectrum; 2) calculate and analyze each company's spectrum capacity, both on supply and demand by setting calculation formula and variables in line with the hypothesis; 3) compare the services between approved and denied merger cases; and 4) analyze mobile numbers and consider the merger scheme under various possible conditions of spectrum ownership, during 2022 and 2025. Impending allocated spectrum was excluded because of unknowable future allocation. The study found three business formats with different conditions as follows: 1) allow merging of all spectrum; 2) allow merging of some spectrum; and 3) deny merging.


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How to Cite

Raicharoen, Ph.D., A. T. (2022). Merger of True Corporation and Total Access Communication (DTAC): Technological Perspective. Journal of Digital Communications, 6(6), 15–45. Retrieved from



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