The Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) System for Forensic Investigation of Sex Crimes


  • Narit Hnoohom Mahidol University
  • Papanu Suttipasit Mahidol University
  • Sumeth Yuenyong Mahidol University
  • Konlakorn Wongpatikaseree Mahidol University
  • Eakkachai Warinsiriruk Mahidol University
  • Virach Sornlertlamvanich Mahidol University


Forensic investigation system, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sperm


     This research aimed to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for sperm identification to be used as an evidence or an important indicator in sexual offense cases, and to study the feasibility of the system. The research was divided into two parts. The first part was to develop an Artificial Intelligence system for sperm detection and a website for sperm detection, using applied research method. The second part included the tool familiarization training for forensic scientists. The study found that the Artificial Intelligence system could lessen the steps of sperm detection process. If the digital scanned image from microscope slides shown more than two sperm heads, it could be assumed that a sexual abuse happened. Developed on the YOLOv5m, the precision of the system was up to 97.4%. It could also be accessed on website. Forensic scientists who were trained were satisfied with the system as it could accelerate forensic investigation service, increase chances for proving an offender’s guilt, and reduce opportunities of the offender to commit other crimes. In addition, waste of time and human resources could be avoided.


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How to Cite

Hnoohom, N., Suttipasit, P., Yuenyong, S., Wongpatikaseree, K., Warinsiriruk, E., & Sornlertlamvanich, V. (2023). The Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) System for Forensic Investigation of Sex Crimes. Journal of Digital Communications, 7(2), 46–68. retrieved from



Research article