Engaging the youth through public-sector innovation labs: Insights from Innovation Lab cases in Thailand and the Philippines
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This paper investigates youth participation in public sector innovation labs PSI Labs in Thailand and the Philippines specifically analyzing two cases—the Chiang Mai City Lab in Thailand and the Youth Social Innovation Lab (YSIL) in the Philippines. Public policy literature on PILs considers public innovation labs as a space and medium for co-design, co-learning, and co-implementation of policies. In Southeast Asia, PSI Labs have become a unique strategy in addressing social problems. Some of these PSI labs were designed to promote youth participation—digital natives who have the energy and the stakes to address concerns in the public sector. However, understanding how these spaces enable youth participation in engaging the public sector is limited. To address this gap in literature, this paper explored how the youth are engaged and empowered to participate in addressing public problems. Drawing from existing literature on youth involvement in policy processes, we scrutinized the Chiang Mai City Lab and YSIL, exploring how these innovation labs foster and leverage youth participation. Using lesson drawing as an analytical lens, we examined policy documents, program designs, and relevant secondary literature. Our findings reveal a diverse range of strategies employed to engage youth and integrate their perspectives in addressing public problems. The study also highlighted how digitalization played a crucial role in furthering youth participation. Overall, this research provides nuanced insights into the dynamics of public sector innovation labs, emphasizing their transformative potential as platforms for youth-driven policy development.
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