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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guideline for Authors 

Guideline for Authors  (PDF)
Style Guide (PDF)



By submitting the manuscript, the author declares that the work

  • is original and has not been published before
  • has not been submitted simultaneously elsewhere
  • has been approved by all co-authors

The publisher shall not be responsible for any legal issues arising from the submission.


Authors are required to provide the evidence for the permission taken from the copyright owner(s) to use figures, tables or quotations that have already been published.  Without such evidence, it is assumed that the data originate from the authors.

Online submission

Authors must submit their manuscripts online only as this will make it more convenient for the review and editorial process.  Please submit the original manuscript to  The manuscript must be a single Microsoft Word file.  Further details of the data used and the quantitative results may be requested.


The title page should include:

  • name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation(s)
  • abstract of 150-250 words
  • 4-6 key words
  • JEL classification code

Appropriate JEL classification code should be provided.  Pleases see:


The word limit for an article is 10,000 words.  This limit includes the main text, footnotes, appendices and bibliographical reference.  In case the number exceeds 10,000, the author will be informed to revise and resubmit the shortened paper.  The font for the paper is Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced.


  • Manuscript should be in Microsoft word.
  • The font for the paper is Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced.
  • Use italics for any emphasis required.
  • All pages should be numbered, bottom middle.
  • Use tab for indent.
  • Statistical tables, diagrams and figures must be clear and prepared in the style such that immediate reproduction is possible.
  • Mathematical notations must be simplified and rarely used symbols should be avoided for readers’ convenience.
  • Use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units (SI units).
  • Any abbreviations should be defined first then used consistently thereafter.
  • Referencing in manuscripts must follow the style of APA (American Psychological Association). Detail of such referencing can be consulted at
  • In-text citations should be written with author(s)’ last name(s) and the year should be that of the first publication. Full details of the edition from which the extracts have been taken should be provided in the list of references. 
  • Footnotes should be minimised but may be used to give additional information wherever required, which may include citations of a reference included in the list of references.  However, they must not comprise the whole references.
  • Footnotes to text should be numbered consecutively while those to tables should be assigned with superscript lower-case letters. Asterisk is used for any significant value.
  • Acknowledgment of people, grants, funds or institutions should be before the bibliographical references.


  • All the tables should be numbered using Arabic numbers and the order must be consecutive.
  • Each table must have title along with caption below, explaining the components of the table.
  • Source of the table, if any, must be quoted below the table.


Potential authors are expected to be morally responsible for their work.  Adhering to the moral code of conduct is conventional.

  • The manuscript sent to the journal has not been published or sent for consideration elsewhere.
  • In case the work has been developed from the previous work, please supply concrete evidence for proof.
  • No excessive segmentation of academic paper in order to increase the number of submissions of the paper (Salami publication).
  • No data of any sort (statistics, images, information) have been manipulated with the aim of drawing a biased conclusion.
  • Data, theories or any form of works by others, if used, must not be presented in the manner that belongs to the author. The owners must be acknowledged even if the knowledge has been summarized or rephrased. Copied text (verbatim) must be put in quotation marks.
  • In case there is more than one author, the consent to publish the work must be received from all co-authors. This consent has to be given at the time of submission.
  • All authors whose names appear in the paper have truly and sufficiently contributed to the accomplishment of the paper to the extent that they share the responsibility and accountability of their work.

The journal reserves the right to ask for any relevant documents in the making of the paper for verification purpose.  In case of any suspicion, an investigation shall be undertaken.  Any allegation found against the author will result in:

  • Immediate rejection of the paper if it is still under consideration.
  • Replacement of the paper with a revised version if the paper has been published online.
  • Revocation of the paper if the paper has been published online and the misconduct has been severe.
  • Reporting the misconduct to the author’s affiliation.

The Editorial Team reserves the right to reject any submissions that do not adhere to the guidelines.  The author is responsible for fabrication of the work or failure to conform to the guidelines.  It is in the author’s best interest to conform to the foresaid guidelines.


After the paper has been accepted for publication, the publisher is granted the right to reproduce the work both in electronic and printed format.  After publication, changes can only be made for errors.  Any substantial changes (new results, title, authorship, etc) require the approval of the Editorial Team.



Submission to TRESP must be in Microsoft word.


The title page should include:

  • name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation(s)
  • abstract of 150-250 words
  • 4-6 key words
  • JEL classification code

Appropriate JEL classification code should be provided.  Pleases see:


  • The font for the manuscript is Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced.
  • Each section must contain heading. Subheadings can be used if necessary.
  • Headings and subheadings should be flush left.
  • Heading should be bolded. For subheadings, use italics.
  • In case the manuscript contains economic experiment and survey conducted by the author(s), it is mandatory to provide an additional document regarding the instructions of the experiment and survey for the review process.


  • Sources for the data must be mentioned clearly in the article.
  • Authors are required to provide the evidence for the permission taken from the copyright owner(s) to use figures, tables or quotations that have already been published. Without such evidence, it is assumed that the data originate from the authors.


  • Mathematical notations must be simplified and rarely used symbols should be avoided for readers’ convenience. Common Greek and superscript English letters are suitable.
  • All equations must be numbered in sequence with parentheses.FOOTNOTES
  • Footnotes should be minimised but may be used to give additional information wherever required, which may include citations of a reference included in the list of references. However, they must not comprise the whole references.
  • Footnotes to text should be numbered consecutively while those to tables should be assigned with superscript lower-case letters. Asterisk is used for any significant value.
  • Numbers of footnotes must be superscripted, place it at the end of a word or sentence where relevant. Footnotes must be listed at the bottom of each page.


  • The reference list must be ordered alphabetically by author’s surname in the following style:

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.

  • Referencing in manuscripts must follow the style of APA (American Psychological Association). Detail of such referencing can be consulted at

For example,

Journal articles

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Name of journal, volume, page no.

Entire issue of a journal

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of the issue. Name of journal, volume, page no.

A chapter from a book

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of chapter. In Editors’ names (Eds.), Title of book, (page no). Location: Publisher.

An entire book (printed)

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of book.  Location: Publisher.


Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of book.  Location: Publisher. [File format]

Corporate author

Name of corporation (year). Title of work. Location: Author

Working paper

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Location. Institute’s name working paper series no. #

Report (with no author)

Name of corporation (year). Title of work. Location: Author

Report (with author)

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Name of corporation Location

Newspaper article

Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Name of newspaper, date/month/year, page no.


Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. MA/MSc/PhD Thesis/Dissertation, Name of institute.


Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Location: Name of institute


In case the contents have a digital object identifier (doi) or URL, it can be placed at the end of each reference.

  • If the list contains more than one item published by the same author(s) in the same year, add lower case letters after the year (e.g. 1991a).
  • In-text citations should be written with author(s)’ last name(s) and the year should be that of the first publication. Full details of the edition from which the extracts have been taken should be provided in the list of references. 
  • We recommend the author(s) to use the referencing menu (Reference) in Microsoft Word for automatic formatting.


  • Statistical tables, diagrams and figures must be clear and prepared in the style such that immediate reproduction is possible.
  • All the tables and figures should be numbered using Arabic numbers and the order must be consecutive.
  • Each table must have bolded title along with caption below, explaining the components of the table.
  • Source of the table, if any, must be quoted below the table.
  • Tables and figures must be placed near the text related to them for readers’ convenience.


Authors may use colours to depict and distinguish figures and graphs. However, this is only available in the online version. Printed version is in black and white.


The manuscript must be written in either British or American-styled English language. Author(s) are encouraged to proofread the manuscript before submission to check grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Avoid unnecessary phrases which can be shortened.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.