Review Procedure

Review Procedure

The review procedure takes a maximum of approximately 12-14 weeks, depending on the review results. The publishing procedure takes approximately 4-6 weeks. The review procedure can be divided into 2 main stages:

Stage 1: The received manuscript is forwarded to the editorial team for preliminary screening. There are two possible outcomes during this phase, namely; (i) the manuscript may be sent to the reviewers or (ii) the manuscript may be rejected instantly. The author(s) will be informed of this decision within 4 weeks after the initial submission.

Stage 2: The accepted manuscript is sent for double-blind peer review. At the end of this phase, the manuscript may be: (i) accepted unconditionally, (ii) accepted with minor revision (iii) accepted with major revision and/or required rewriting or (iv) rejected. The author(s) will be informed of the decision within 7 weeks from the day of the initial submission. In case (iii), the author is required to revise the paper according to the conditions specified and resubmit it for the second reviewing. The paper will, then, be sent to the editorial board for final consideration on publication. The author will be informed of the publication decision within 3 weeks after the editorial board received the revised version of the manuscript.

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