The Policy of the Thai Government Regarding the Dutch Prisoners of War in Thailand after the End of the Second Word War

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Thep Boontanondha


Background and objective[S]: After the Second World War, the Thai government had to take care of and assist the prisoners of war who were allied soldiers, including the Dutch who had been forced to perform labor during the Second World War. This policy was part of the efforts of the Thai government that wanted the Netherlands, one of the allied nations, to agree to reconcile with Thailand. Therefore, this research aims to study the policy of the Thai government regarding Dutch prisoners of war between 1945 and 1947.
Methodology: The study employed a historical approach to analyze documentary data and generate a descriptive analytical report. The research underscores the importance of leveraging primary evidence obtained from the National Archives of Thailand.

Main result: Thailand, after the end of the Second World War, had many Dutch prisoners of war. These prisoners had been forced by the Japanese Army to be laborers during the war and were left sporadic around the country after the end of the fighting. The Thai government, bearing an uncertain status at that time, had adopted diplomatic policies to show its desire to help the Allies. These included the treatment of the prisoners of war who had been hidden during the war and the welcoming of Dutch refugees who fled the civil war in Indonesia. However, during the period of waiting before being repatriated to their motherland, there had been skirmishes between the Dutch prisoners of war and the Thai people because of the attitude of the Dutch who believed that they were the winner and the Thai government and its people were the loser. The Dutch, therefore, had a behavior akin to a colonist governing its colony rather than treating the Thai government as an independent country. The Thai government appeared patient  and compromising with these problems and tried to please the Dutch government because the rapprochement between Thailand and the Netherlands relied on the Thai government’s policy towards the Dutch prisoners of war.
Relevance to Thai Studies: This study provides a framework for the study of the history of Dutch prisoners of war in Thailand during the post-World War II period.
Conclusion: After the end of the Second World War, the Thai government sought to re-establish its relationship with the Netherlands. Nevertheless, the issue of the Dutch prisoners of war living in Thailand was a significant matter. Therefore, the Thai government
prioritized these prisoners of war, insisting that they live comfortably before being repatriated to their fatherland.

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How to Cite
Boontanondha, T. (2024). The Policy of the Thai Government Regarding the Dutch Prisoners of War in Thailand after the End of the Second Word War. Journal of Thai Studies, 20(1), Article ID: e257365 (1–33 pages).
Research article


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NA. BK.2.11/1 Kan khuapkhum chao angkrit amerikan lae chao holanda [Detaining British, American and Dutch people] (17th December 1941).

NA. BK.2.11/8 Kongsun sawit pai yiam khaikakkan chon tangdao [The Swiss Consul visits a concentration camp] (19th February – 23rd October 1942).

NA. BK.2.11/13 Thut thahanbok yipun khohai song Ro. To. W. D. Maccari chaloei suek nakbin amerikan sueng chap daithi changwat Mae Hong Son phuea sopsuan [The Japanese military attaché requests to send L.T. W.D. Maccari, an American pilot, who was captured at Mae Hong Son] (10th April 1942 – 21st January 1944).

NA. BK.2.11/26 Akratthut angkrit lae uppathut nethoelaen khohai phoem ngoen khachaichai prachamduean [The British minister and the Dutch charge d'affaires ask for an increased monthly expense allowance] (27th – 30th June 1942).

NA. BK.2.11/35 Thahan yipun cha lamliang chaloei suek phiokhao chak cho nan ma sathani nong pladuk [Japanese soldiers will transfer Caucasian POWs from Chonan to Nongpladuk Station] (2nd January – 13th April 1943).

NA. BK.2.11/40 Kharatkan thai chap chaloei suek thi lopni daithi kanchanaburi [Thai civil servant arrests POW who ran away from Kanchanaburi] (27th February – 8th March 1943).

NA. BK.2.11/41 Phu-amnuaikan khai kakkhum chon sat ru henkhuan phonphan kotkhobangkhap tang tang sueng kiaokap chon sat ru hai phlaolong bang [A director of a POW camp allows a decrease in restrictiveness in a camp] (9th April – 22nd June 1943).

NA. BK.2.11/58 Kan sopsuan chaloeisuek nakbin amerikan sueng khrueangbin thuk ying tok thi sathip [An interrogation of an American pilot, whose plane was shot down at Sattahip] (8th May – 21st December).

NA. BK.2.11/60 Banthuekkhamhaikan chaloei suek nakbin thi thuk ying tok thi uttaradit sam khon [Testimony of three pilots, whose plane was shot down at Uttaradit] (9th October 1944 – 10th January 1945).

NA. BK.2.11/70 Banthuekkhamhaikan rotho en et kru thon ri cho loei suek chat angkrit sueng chap daithi ko phuket [Testimony of Lt. N. H. Grootthee, a British POW, who was arrested at Phuket Island] (10th March – 27th April 1945).

NA. BK.3/39 Ruam rueang tang tang nai kan patibatngan kiaokap thahan samphanthamit chen khadikhwam tang tang prachachon prasop antarai lae dairap khwamsiahai chak fai samphanthamit [Information about the military operations of the allied soldiers] (4th October 1945 – 16th January 1946).

NA. BK.3.6/44 Totop kiaokap thahan lae phu-opyop chao holanda [Conversation about Dutch soldiers and refugees] (13th December 1945 – 30th July 1946).

NA. BK.3.6.3/13 Kanngoen kiaokap holanda nethoelaen chawa [Finances of Javanese Dutch] (16th January – 4th July 1946).

NA. BK.3.6.3/27 Yot chamnuan thahan so po lae sabiang-ahan [The number of Allied soldiers and the food supply] (1st October – 20th November 1946).

NA. BK.3.6.3/32 Hhaliangdu chonchat wilanda (nethoelaen) [Allowances for the Dutch (Netherlands)] (15th January 1947 – 6th January 1950).

NA. BK.3.7/2 Kan hai khwam dulae lae chuailuea chaloeisuek [Providing care for the POWs] (21st August 1945 – 16th January 1946).

NA. BK.3.7/3 kan titto kap yipun kiaokap rueang chaloeisuek [A liaison to Japan about POWs] (23rd August – 6th December 1945).

NA. BK.3.7/6 Chat thiphak liangdu chat khrueang-uppaphok lae khrueangchaisoi chatkan raksa phayaban lae hai khwamplotphai chaloeisuek [Providing camps, consumer goods, medical care and safety to POWs] (24th August 1945 – 19th April 1946).

NA. BK.3.7/31 Prawat chaloeisuek chaw dat [Biographies of Dutch POWs] (12th – 26th October 1946).

NA. BK.3.8/38 Thahan holanda wiwat thahanthai [Dutch soldiers fight Thai soldiers](13th January – 16th December 1946).

NA. BK.3.8/42 Prathutrai to chiwit lae rangkai [Battery] (29th January – 8th March 1946).

NA. BK.3.8/47 Prathutrai to sap [Larceny] (13th February – 25th July 1946).

NA. BK.3.8/48 Khadi kiaokap kan laksap lae khwamsiahai thang sap [Cases about larceny and the loss of assets] (28th February 1946 – 28th January 1947).

NA. BK.3.8/56 Prathu kam [Criminal violence] (26th April – 17th July 1946).

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