Statement on Publication Ethics and Misconduct

The Journal of Thai Studies upholds the highest ethical standards and maintains a zero-tolerance policy toward publication malpractice or misconduct. Allegations of ethical violations are taken seriously, and the journal is committed to ensuring integrity at every stage of the publication process. The following principles guide our approach to publication ethics:

1. Plagiarism
Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited and considered a serious offense. Authors must properly acknowledge all sources. If plagiarism is identified, the submission will be rejected, and appropriate actions will be taken.

2. Fabrication and Falsification
Authors must present accurate, verifiable research findings. The fabrication or falsification of data, results, or research claims constitutes a severe ethical violation and will not be tolerated.

3. Multiple Submissions
Submitted articles must not be under review by other journals or conference proceedings simultaneously. Dual submissions are unethical and will result in immediate rejection.

4. Authorship Integrity
Authorship must reflect actual contributions to the research. Disputes or misrepresentations should be resolved before submission. Any changes to author listings must be justified with written evidence.

5. Peer Review Integrity
The journal upholds a fair, objective, and transparent peer review process. Any form of manipulation—such as coercing reviewers or submitting false recommendations—is strictly forbidden.

6. Retractions and Corrections
If misconduct, plagiarism, or significant errors are discovered in a published article, the journal will take corrective action, including retraction or issuing corrections, in accordance with ethical guidelines.

7. Reporting Misconduct
Authors, reviewers, and readers are encouraged to report any suspected ethical violations. The journal is committed to conducting thorough investigations and taking appropriate action.

The Journal of Thai Studies is dedicated to preserving the integrity of academic publishing and maintaining the trust of authors, reviewers, and readers. Any instance of publication malpractice will be addressed with the highest level of diligence and ethical responsibility.



The Journal of Thai Studies’ publication ethics follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Further information on publication ethics can be found on the COPE website:


Author Ethics


Authors submitting to the Journal of Thai Studies are held to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical responsibility. By submitting an article, authors affirm their commitment to rigorous scholarship, transparency, and accountability.

1. Intellectual Responsibility 

Authors bear full responsibility for the originality, accuracy, and integrity of their work, including research design, argumentation, analysis, citations, and conclusions. The editorial and review teams do not assume responsibility for these aspects and expect authors to uphold the highest standards of academic rigor.

2. Commitment to Scholarly Discourse
Authors must engage constructively with feedback from editors and peer reviewers, considering critiques with academic maturity. They should be prepared to revise their work to maintain the journal’s standard of excellence, including formatting and guideline compliance. Revisions should be made in good faith, with a clear commitment to improving the clarity and quality of the research.

3. Academic Integrity and Citation Standards

Plagiarism in any form—whether direct copying, paraphrasing without attribution, or misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own—is strictly prohibited.

Proper acknowledgment and full citation of all sources, both in-text and in the references, are mandatory. This includes works that have influenced the research, ensuring due credit is given to previous scholarship.

The use of quotation marks and citations must follow academic best practices, leaving no room for ambiguity in source attribution.

4. Authorship and Contributions

Authorship must accurately reflect individual contributions. Only those who have made substantial contributions to the research and manuscript preparation should be listed as authors.

Contributors with supporting roles should be acknowledged in a designated section rather than listed as co-authors. Misrepresentation of authorship will be considered a serious ethical violation.

5. Originality and Prior Publication

Authors must certify that their submission is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under review by another journal or conference. Simultaneous submission is unethical and will result in immediate rejection.

6. Research Involving Human Subjects

If the study involves human subjects, authors must provide a valid Human Research Ethics Certificate (REC) approved by an institutional ethics committee or proof of ethics training from the National Research Council of Thailand. Research involving human participants must adhere to ethical guidelines to ensure respect, consent, and confidentiality.

7. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial, institutional, or personal conflicts of interest that could influence the research findings or interpretation. Full transparency regarding funding sources and external support is required.

8. Corrections and Retractions

If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must immediately notify the journal and collaborate on issuing a correction or retraction as necessary. Maintaining academic credibility requires a proactive approach to rectifying mistakes.

The Journal of Thai Studies is committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence and ethical scholarship. We expect our authors to uphold these principles, ensuring that the journal remains a trusted platform for meaningful and impactful research.


Editorial and Publication Ethics


The Journal of Thai Studies is committed to upholding the highest standards of editorial integrity, transparency, and ethical publishing. The editorial team operates with impartiality, ensuring that all submitted articles are evaluated based on scholarly merit, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope. Decisions regarding acceptance or rejection are made without bias or influence from personal relationships, institutional affiliations, or external pressures.

1.Editorial Independence and Fair Evaluation

Manuscripts are assessed solely on their academic content, free from discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, political views, or institutional affiliation.

Editorial decisions are made in strict alignment with the journal’s mission, ensuring that published content meets the highest academic and ethical standards.

Personal opinions of the editorial board or peer reviewers do not influence the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.

2. Confidentiality and Integrity in Peer Review

The editorial team and peer reviewers must maintain strict confidentiality regarding submitted manuscripts, disclosing information only to those directly involved in the review and publication process.

The names of authors and reviewers remain confidential throughout the peer review process, ensuring an unbiased evaluation.

Unpublished manuscripts, rejected submissions, and any proprietary data or ideas contained within them will not be used or shared by editors or reviewers without the author’s explicit written consent.

3. Editorial Accountability and Decision-Making

The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Managing Editor, editorial board, and peer reviewers, holds final responsibility for accepting or rejecting articles. This decision is guided by the journal’s policies, ethical considerations, and academic standards.

Articles suspected of containing plagiarism, fabricated data, or other forms of academic misconduct will be thoroughly investigated. If ethical violations are confirmed, appropriate corrective actions—including retraction—will be taken.

The journal complies with legal and ethical guidelines regarding copyright, intellectual property, and research misconduct, ensuring that all published works adhere to international publishing standards.

4.Editorial Impartiality and Conflicts of Interest

Editors and reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest—financial, academic, or personal—that could influence their judgment.

No editorial board member will use privileged information from submitted manuscripts for personal research or other purposes without explicit permission from the author.

The Journal of Thai Studies is committed to fostering a culture of ethical scholarship, ensuring that editorial decisions uphold the integrity and reputation of academic publishing. We hold ourselves to the highest standards, ensuring that every article published contributes meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge.


Ethics and Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers


The Journal of Thai Studies upholds a rigorous and impartial peer review process to ensure the highest standards of academic integrity and scholarship. Peer reviewers play a critical role in maintaining the quality of published research by providing constructive feedback and fair assessments.

1.Confidentiality and Impartiality

The peer review process is strictly double-blind—neither authors nor reviewers will be aware of each other’s identities.

Reviewers must maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the manuscript’s content and the review process. Under no circumstances should information from the manuscript be used for personal research, gain, or any other advantage.

Reviewers must decline assignments where they have any personal, academic, or financial conflict of interest with the author(s) or affiliated institutions.

2.Objective and Scholarly Evaluation

Reviews should be conducted fairly, professionally, and without bias, ensuring that acceptance or rejection is based solely on academic merit.

Personal opinions, unsubstantiated criticisms, or irrelevant commentary unrelated to the quality and validity of the research should not influence the review.

Reviewers should provide clear, constructive, and respectful feedback to help authors strengthen their manuscripts.

3. Academic Integrity and Citation Standards

Reviewers should identify any missing citations and recommend relevant published works that the author has overlooked.

Any suspicion of plagiarism, data fabrication, or significant overlap with existing published material should be reported to the editorial team immediately.

4. Timeliness and Professional Responsibility

Reviewers must complete their assessments promptly and within the given deadline. If unable to meet the deadline, they should inform the editorial team as soon as possible to allow for alternative arrangements.

If a reviewer feels unqualified to assess a manuscript due to its specialized nature, they should decline the review assignment rather than provide an inadequate evaluation.

5.Ethical Conduct and Avoidance of Bias

Reviewers must recuse themselves from evaluating manuscripts where their relationships—competitive, collaborative, or otherwise—could compromise impartiality.

The journal provides a small honorarium as a review fee, but no further incentives or benefits will be granted to reviewers.

By adhering to these principles, peer reviewers contribute to the integrity, credibility, and excellence of the Journal of Thai Studies, ensuring that it remains a trusted platform for scholarly discourse.