Masculinity in Matthanaphatha


  • Phannarai Chanhiran




Matthanaphatha is the story of a love triangle between a male deity, a female angel and a man. The life of Matthana, the female protagonist, critically changes because of masculine traits of the characters, Suthet, Chayasen, and herself. Suthet and Chayasen manifest their power in order to possess Matthana. Dissatisfied with being rejected, Suthet curses and transforms the angel into a rose twice: first temporarily, then eternally. Chayasen believes rumors that Matthana has a secret lover. Furious, he orders that she be killed. As for Matthana, she confirms that she has power over her life and chooses to love Chayasen whom she desires. Consequently, due to her display of masculine traits in her decision, Matthana has to suffer being imprisoned as a rose for life. The plot is driven by the expression of masculine traits of the characters and their being challenged.

Author Biography

Phannarai Chanhiran

Lecturer, Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University


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How to Cite

Chanhiran, P. (2023). Masculinity in Matthanaphatha. Journal of Thai Studies, 10(2), 155–184. Retrieved from



Research article
