The peer review process of Journal of Thai Studies ( JTS ) involves the following steps:
Step 1. Submission
Authors must submit their article, along with figures and tables, and complete the necessary information using the ThaiJO system.
Step 2. Initial Review by the Editorial Board
The editorial board will review the article to ensure it aligns with the aims and scope of the journal. The article must include all necessary sections and be presented clearly and concisely, adhering to the Author Guidelines. Incomplete articles will not be considered and authors will be notified through the ThaiJO system. This step will take two to three weeks.
Step 3. Peer Review Process
The editorial board will then appoint three peer reviewers from institutions different from that of the author to evaluate the article through a double-blind review process. If at least two of the peer reviewers approve the article, the article will advance to the next step; otherwise, the article will be rejected. The peer review process can result in four possible outcomes:
- Acceptance without revision.
- Acceptance with minor revision.
- Acceptance with major revisions that require resubmission.
- Rejection.
The peer review determination, which will take from four to eight weeks, will be communicated to the author through the ThaiJO system.
Step 4. Revision
After the peer review process, and if the article is conditionally accepted, the author may need to make revisions based on the recommendation of the peer reviewers. The revised article, along with any necessary additional materials, such as figures and tables, will need to be submitted with clear indications of the revisions. If the author disagrees with any comments from the peer reviewers, they must provide a detailed and reasoned explanation. If the peer reviewer requests, the article will be resubmitted for review. The journal reserves the right to reject the article if the author fails to address the recommended revisions adequately. This step will generally take place within four weeks.
Step 5. Final Editorial Review
The editorial board will review the article for typographical and grammatical errors. Inquiries or suggestions from the editorial board will be communicated to the author for confirmation or correction. The editorial board retains the right to make amendments related to the layout, writing style and reference format of the journal without prior notification to the author. This step will be completed within four to six weeks.
Step 6. Editorial Decision
The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding publication of the article within two weeks.
Step 7. Copy Editing and Artwork
Copy editing and artwork preparation by the journal generally takes at least one week per article, performed in the order of completion from the previous steps.
Step 8. Proofreading and Final Correction
Proofreading and final corrections will take about two weeks and will be done in the order of completion from the previous step.
Step 9. Publication
The entire process from initial submission of the article to final publication will take approximately four or five months.