Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Entrepreneurial Learning on Higher Vocational College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention

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Yuan Dong
Sarana Photchanachan


Entrepreneurship is an effective means to promote innovation and economic progress. Under the influence of policy encouragement and economic situation, college students have become the emerging entrepreneurial subjects. From the perspective of Reciprocal Determinism and Planned Behavior proposed by Ajzen (1991), this paper analyzes the effects of college students’ entrepreneurial learning and self-efficacy on their entrepreneurial intention. Sample of 428 were conducted in higher vocational college students in China. The hypotheses were tested by using Structural Equation Model. The results was indicated that firstly, higher vocational college students’ entrepreneurial studying has a significant positive effect on their entrepreneurial intention. Secondly, higher vocational college students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on the entrepreneurial intention. Thirdly, higher vocational college students’ entrepreneurial studying has a significant positive effect on their entrepreneurial self-efficacy. And fourthly, the entrepreneurial self-efficacy plays an intermediary role in the relationship between entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial intention.

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How to Cite
Dong, Y. . ., & Photchanachan, S. . (2020). Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Entrepreneurial Learning on Higher Vocational College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention. วารสารวิจัยมหาวิทยาลัยเวสเทิร์น มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 6(3), 252–264. สืบค้น จาก


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