Marketing strategies to support Thailand 4.0 standards

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Virat Techanirattisai


Thailand 4.0 is an economic model that will lead Thailand. To succeed in marketing by using marketing strategies (Marketing Strategy) because able to make the marketing system reach its goals. Long-term satisfaction With the sole objective of seeking profit In the middle of competition Which can be done By studying the characteristics of market segmentation and then choosing one market segment or multiple market segments that the company has the aptitude to meet the needs in that market.It can also be a main mechanism in economic development while driving Thailand 4.0 at full efficiency of economic development. In various ways in accordance with the system of practice in the Thai society, the important thing of economic reform along with the driving Thailand 4.0 must create a marketing strategy in line with the economic system Beginning with a modern marketing strategy which is a marketing mix (8P’s in short, it will be a factor that will affect the development of the Thai economy in the future.

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How to Cite
Techanirattisai, V. . (2020). Marketing strategies to support Thailand 4.0 standards. WESTERN UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL of HUMANITIES and SOCIAL SCIENCE, 6(2), 232–243. Retrieved from


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