A Community Business Management Strategies for Success in Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya

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Natthasak Rithdej
Sangjitt TriSang


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study levels of marketing operations and community business management strategies; 2) compare community business management strategies factors, classified by personal factors; and 3) relations between marketing operations and community business management strategies for success in Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya. The research employs a quantitative method by using a close-ended questionnaire for survey research. Data was collected from 400 people who are entrepreneurs and people who have relations with community businesses in Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya, under the concept of Yamane (1973). The research was conceptualized to analyze the percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA by Lease Significant Difference (LSD) and Pearson's correlation by using a statistical software.The research findings revealed that 1) the marketing operations factor was at a high level (=4.06, S.D.=.520), followed by promotion (=4.13, S.D.=.610), and community business management strategies factor was at a high level (=4.07, S.D.=.396), followed by skills (=4.11, S.D.= .599); 2) personal factors different by sex, age, and income have an influence on community business management strategies at the statistically significant level of .05; and 3) overall of marketing operations were significantly related at high to overall of community business management strategies at .01 (R2=.972**)

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How to Cite
Rithdej, N., & TriSang, S. (2022). A Community Business Management Strategies for Success in Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya. WESTERN UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES and SOCIAL SCIENCE, 8(2), 51–64. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WTURJ/article/view/259397
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