Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities

               Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities is a biannual academic journal, published in two issues each year: the January-June issue, and the July-December issue.

               Through the publication of this journal, the Editorial Board of the Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, aims to promote distinguished works of lecturers, researchers, academics, students, and any interested individuals, and to encourage knowledge exchange in humanities and related disciplines.

               The Editorial Board welcomes submissions of the following manuscripts, either in Thai or in English:
              - Research Articles
              - Academic Articles
              - Review Articles
              - Book Review 

               Each contribution must address issues in humanities or related disciplines, such as language studies, linguistics, language learning and teaching, translation, literature, folklore, history, philosophy and religion, communication arts, information science, music, performing arts, arts and tourism.

               The submitted manuscripts must not have been published in any other academic journals, or be under the consideration of any other academic journals. Conference articles that have been revised specifically for publication, however, are eligible.

               Each submitted manuscript will be double-blind reviewed by at least three experts. The decision of the Editorial Board is final.

               In the case of successful submission, the Editorial Board will inform the author of any changes or revisions that have to be made. The author then needs to edit the manuscript and send it back to the Editorial Board within an agreed timeframe.

               The author should submit the manuscript in the APA format through the journal’s website.

               The opinions apparent in each published article are strictly of its respective author; the Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, and the Editorial Board do not necessarily agree with and hold no responsibility to such opinions.

               All rights to the articles published in this journal belong to the authors and the Faculty of Humanities, and are under the protection of the laws. Reproduction of the content in any form requires direct, written permissions from the author of each article and the Faculty of Humanities.


Focus and Scope

               The Editorial Board welcomes submissions of the following manuscripts, either in Thai or in English: research articles, non-research academic articles, review articles, or book reviews. Each contribution must address issues in humanities or related disciplines, such as language studies, linguistics, language learning and teaching, translation, literature, folklore, history, philosophy and religion, communication arts, information science, music, performing arts, arts and tourism.

               The submitted manuscripts must not have been published in any other academic journals, or be under the consideration of any other academic journals. Conference articles that have been revised specifically for publication, however, are eligible.


Peer Review Process

               Each submitted manuscript will be double-blind reviewed by at least three experts. The decision of the Editorial Board is final.

               In the case of successful submission, the Editorial Board will inform the author of any changes or revisions that have to be made. The author then needs to edit the manuscript and send it back to the Editorial Board within an agreed timeframe.


Publication Frequency

published in two issues each year

  • Numver 1 January - June
  • Number 2 July - December


Publication Ethics

The editor’s roles and responsibilities

  • 1. The editor is in charge of controlling the quality of the articles published in the journal.

  • 2. The editor must not reveal the information about the authors and the reviewers to anyone who is not involved in the review during the entire process.

  • 3. The editor needs to make publication decisions based on the reviewed articles’ academic novelty, merits and contributions, as well as their suitability for the journal content and their compliance with the journal policies.

  • 4. The editor must not publish an article which has already been published in other journals.

  • 5. The editor must not reject an article without first consulting its author regarding the questions that may have arisen, or without giving the author an opportunity to clarify or provide further supporting evidence.

  • 6. The editor must not have conflicts of interest with an author, a reviewer, or the board of committee.
  • 7. The editor must check for plagiarism carefully. If any plagiarism is found, the editor must stop the process of article review and contact the author of that article for their clarification immediately as part of the decision whether to “accept” or “reject” the article.


An author’s roles and responsibilities

  1. An author must guarantee that the submitted work is original and has never been published or submitted to other journals while being submitted to our journal.
  2. An author must report information faithfully without disinforming or misinforming.
  3. An author must provide correct in-text citation and reference citation, including self-citation where applicable.
  4. An author must strictly follow the format of our journal (as detailed under Submission Guide).
  5. Every author listed in an article must be involved in the writing process of the article.
  6. In case that a submitted article is funded, an author must inform our journal of any sources of funding for that article.
  7. An author must identify conflicts of interest (if any) when submitting their article to our journal.


A reviewer’s roles and responsibilities

  • 1. A reviewer must keep the information about the reviewed article confidential and must not reveal this information to others during the reviewing process.

  • 2. After receiving an article from our editorial board, if a reviewer notices any conflicts of interest, such as the reviewer being part of the same research project, or any other reasons that might prevent the reviewer from providing comments honestly and impartially, the reviewer should inform our editorial board and abstain from reviewing the article.

  • 3. A reviewer should accept to review an article within their areas of expertise. When reviewing, they should consider the academic merits of the article: for example, the substantiality of the article; the quality of the data analysis; its contributions to new knowledge; or the impact on its own field. A reviewer must not let their opinions on personal matters affect the review of the article.

  • 4. A reviewer should make suggestions for inclusion of any related studies which are not included in the reviewed article. In addition, if the reviewer notices any plagiarism in the reviewed article, a reviewer should inform the editor.


Open Access Policy

               This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Journal History