Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities, published in two issues each year: the January-June issue, and the July-December issue.

             Through the publication of this journal, the Editorial Board of the Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, aims to promote distinguished works of lecturers, researchers, academics, students, and any interested individuals, and to encourage knowledge exchange in humanities and related disciplines.

             The Editorial Board welcomes submissions of the following manuscripts, either in Thai or in English:
              - Research Articles
              - Academic Articles
              - Review Articles
              - Book Review 

             Each contribution must address issues in humanities or related disciplines, such as language studies, linguistics, language learning and teaching, translation, literature, folklore, history, philosophy and religion, communication arts, information science, music, performing arts, arts and tourism.

Submission for Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities


The Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities’ Manuscript Submission Guide

1. Manuscript Preparation

         1.1 The author of manuscript must follow the manuscript submission guide thoroughly and read the suggestions at

          1.2 The manuscript must not exceed 20 A4 pages. The top margin, the right margin, and the bottom margin must be 2.54 cm., and the left margin must be 3.81 cm.

          1.3 The manuscript submitted for review must contain a title, an abstract, at least three key words, the author’s name, and the author’s affiliation written in both Thai and English.

          1.4 The in-text citation and the end-text reference must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style strictly. See more information from American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. at or see Thanakoonbaripan, N. (2015). APA 6th Edition A Guide to Citation and Referencing. Bangkok: Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. at

          1.5 You can download our journal article’s template at

          1.6 The author of manuscript must follow the format guided in the Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities’ Publication Guide. For more information, see


2. Manuscript Submission

          2.1 The manuscript must be submitted through ThaiJO. The ThaiJo Guide can be studied at

          2.2 The manuscript submission consists of 2 documents:
                1) The manuscript formatted based on our journal article’s template must be submitted in both WORD and PDF files.
                2) the English proofreading certificate for the manuscript title and its abstract. The certificate template can be downloaded at


3. Publication Fees

        For the manuscript which has passed the preliminary review by the Journal of Studies in the Field of Humanities’ editorial board, the publication fees are as follows.

                Thai manuscript: 4,000 baht each
                English manuscript: 6,000 baht each


- In case that the manuscript is rejected during or after the peer-review process, the publication fees cannot not be refunded.
- The publication fees follow the Kasetsart University’s Regulations announced on June 28th, 2021. For more information, see

Vol. 31 No. 2 (2567): July - December 2024

Published: 2024-12-28

Youth Representations in Thai Online Newspapers:

Critical News Analysis

Wipawee Fivetes, Wilaisak Kingkham, Methawee Yuttapongtada


Spanish Prepositional Phrases

Varanya Morto, Sasicha Paiboonsirithon


Long Song Surai:

The Significant Choreography of the Royal Court Dance Drama of Inao

Itsarachai Phromsen, Supachai Chansuwan, Sauvanit Vingvorn


Communicating and Creating Earworms through Social Media

Korrawit Thaichay, Chawaporn Dhamanitayakul


Publication Ethics

Rattanaphon Chuenka
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