การใช้คำกริยาเป็นแกนในการสร้างกรอบมโนทัศน์ ภาษาไทยจากคลังข้อมูลด้านการเกษตร เพื่อการประมวลผลภาษาด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์

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Mukda Suktarachan
Puttachart Potibal
Natchanan Natpratan


This paper presents a construction of Thai concept frames applied in language processing for agricultural domain based on the verb centric approach. Fillmore’s (1974) and Larson’s (1984) frame elements were selected to represent necessary scenarios in the domain. The source data comprised 5,784 Thai sentences which were preprocessed with automatic word segmentation, automatic POS tagging, manual shallow parsing, and manual semantic role labeling. The 106 most frequently used verbs were chosen for observation. Frame elements and syntactic-semantic relations for each of them were then constructed from the source data using an automatic capturing tool. As a result, 962 case frames were constructed, while 5,784 annotated sentences were formulated as syntactic-semantic constraints for easy application to language processing.

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Research Articles


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