Image Influencing the Phuket Travelling Decision of European Tourists

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Issarapong Poltanee
อุมาพร บุญเพชรแก้ว


This research aimed to: 1) study on the image of Phuket province affecting European tourists 2) explore the travel decision of European tourists who take a trip to Phuket, and 3) study on the image of the tourist attraction as a factor affecting European tourists in deciding a travel destination in Phuket. The sample population for this research is European tourists who take a trip to Phuket. The survey sample size had been determined by testing the questionnaire with the 30 samples and calculated Partial R2 to estimate the sample size using the G*Power program according to Cohen's (1977). Based on sample estimation, the effect size is equal to 0.0683 calculated from 30 samples. The probability of type I errors (α) is equal to 0.1 and number of variables predicted is equal to 10.  Power of Test (1-ß) is equal to 0.95 (Cohen, 1962), creating sample size of 200 samples. The researcher had collected 200 samples of actual data. Statistics used in data analysis are: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation (SD).  Regarding hypothesis testing, analytical statistics with Multiple Regression had been used.

The results of this study showed that most tourists were Europeans, single male, age between 26 to 35 years old with Bachelor’s degree. Most of them were Germans and their monthly income is 751 – 1,500$ working as a company employee. Based on hypothesis testing, the travel decision in Thailand can be predicted at R2 = 0.591.  It found that the image regarding factors affecting travel decision is: natural attraction, infrastructure, atmosphere, social conditions, and worth spending money on. The image affects emotions and feelings with statistically significant at the level of 0.05. Considering the independent variable with powerful ability to predict changes in travel decision making, the most effective one is infrastructure, atmosphere, the image affecting emotions and feelings, natural attraction,  social conditions, and worth spending money on, respectively.

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