“มาร์ชหมายเลข 1” เพลงแตรวงปริศนา จากบทกวีเยอรมันจนถึงแตรวงชาวบ้าน
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This article aims to study the history of and to analyze “March Number 1”. The sources used in the study were books; old documents, such as manuscripts from archives in Thailand and other countries; websites and interviews on musicology methods.
The study results are: March Number 1 was composed by German composer Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken for children to sing with the lyrics of a German poem. The music was arranged for a military band in 1855-1860 and diffused around the world. In Thailand, the researcher found a recording dating from the reign of King Rama V of “Phleng Yermạn, ”as “March Number 1” was first known in Thai, performed by the Royal Thai Army Third Infantry Division Band conducted by Jacob Veit. After the reign of King Rama V, the Thai military reorganized its band music and “Phleng Yermạn” was designated “March Number 1”. When civilian brass bands appeared in Thailand, “March Number 1” became part of their repertoire and has continued to be performed ever since.
The analysis found “March Number 1” is in binary form. When the march was arranged for civilian brass bands, some phrases were replaced by improvisation while the structure was not changed. In comparing the original and the civilian version, the researcher found the civilian brass band version, replacement and changes in the format of melodic pattern comprised four styles: Increasing the value of notes; Luk-Sabad technique; creating a new melodic line on the original theme, or improvisation; and Luk-Lor-Luk-Kad technique.
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