Construction’s Strategies of “Power”, “Knowledge” and “Truth” in Advertising Discourse of Whitening Products
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This article aims to analyze the strategies of a construction of the “Power”, “Knowledge” and “Truth” in the media discourse on Whitening products broadcast on TV. Based on Aristotle’s theories of persuasion consisting of; 1) ethos or convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuasion; 2) logos or the logic and reasons appearing in the advertising and 3) pathos or a way of convincing and argument by creating an emotional response. These correspond firmly to the theory of semiology of Roland Barthes which not only convince potential consumers, but also create “myths” or “simulacrum” of whiteness and beauty. In addition, the signifier 'whiteness' coincides with Michel Foucault's concept about “discursive formation”. Therefore, the consumers’ purchase decision process may not result from their needs, but from the power of discourse that creates some meanings that seem to necessitate their being, according to “Simulacra and Simulation” theories of Jean Baudrillard. It produces some stimuli to consumers’ spiritual impact, and, eventually they may be victim of the advertising.
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