The Study of Ear Training Instruction Based on Suda Banomyong’s Approach

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นิอร เตรัตนชัย


This research aimed to study ear training instruction based on Suda Banomyong’s approach. Suda Banomyong is one of Thailand noted piano teacher, examiner, lecturer, adjudicator and ear training teacher. The purpose of the study is to investigate Suda Banomyong’s teaching ear training approach and to discuss how to apply to piano study, including the advantage from the approach. The data collection was conducted by interview and observation Suda Banomyongand her three students.
The results of the study found that, Suda Banomyong is teaching ear training cover 5 topics: 1) rhythm 2) pitch and melody 3) intervals and chord 4) polyphony 5) listening to music with feeling and understanding. In every topic consist of feeling, listening, singing, reading, theory and dictation. The key of her approach is listening to the music, feel the music before bringing the music to theory. From the study, students of Suda Banomyong gain the benefit of learning ear training by understanding the structure of music, be able to develop their musical skill, be able to analyze, be able to read, and understand music in every aspect.

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