Developing English Proficiency Standards for English Language Teachers in Thailand

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Wattana Anantapol
Warasayaporn Keeratikorntanayod
Premruedee Chobphon


This study aimed to develop English proficiency standards for English language teachers in Thailand which meet the needs of the stakeholders. The literature relevant to the standards of English language teachers in different countries was extensively reviewed. The Professional Qualification Framework designed by the Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI) was mapped and compared with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The three researchers and twenty-seven stakeholders, who were representatives of government and private organizations dealing with English language teachers, worked together in focus groups to develop the draft standards, which were revised by four experts from the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), who acted as international external auditors. The standards were discussed and commented upon by eighty professionals in a one-day professional seminar before being examined and unanimously approved by an endorsement board, which consisted of nine Thai experts, specialists and authorities in English language teaching and teachers. The result is that English proficiency standards for English language teachers in Thailand are divided into three levels of TPQI Professional Qualification Framework: Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5, each of which describes the attainment required in the four skills. The minimum requirement of English proficiency for English language teachers at Level 3 is equivalent to the B1 level of the CEFR.

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