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พระมหาสุรชัย ชยาภิวฑฺฒโน (พุดชู)


This article is a study of the issue of Original Mind in Zen Buddhist philosophy, which is the question of whether it is originally pure or not. This study is an analysis of Mahayana Buddhist texts and comparison with Mind in Theravada Buddhist philosophy.
The term “Original Mind” is found only in Zen philosophy. It was first used by Hui-neng, who was the sixth patriarch of Zen. The practices of Zen called Koan, Zazen, and Mondo are methods for attaining Enlightenment, or Satori, which is “attaining the Bodhicitta or Original Mind” which is the Buddhahood in everybody’s life. Hence, Bodhicitta, Buddhahood, Satori, Empty Mind, and One Mind are synonymous with Original Mind in Zen Buddhist philosophy.
The result of this study of Original Mind is that it is truly pure, but it is different from Theravada Buddhist philosophy. This mind in Theravada emphasizes Translucent Mind or Radiant Mind (Pabhassaracitta) which is different in meaning from pure mind in Zen Buddhist Philosophy. However, the difference between Theravada and Zen is only in interpretation because in practice the essence of attaining Original Mind of Zen is the same as that of attaining Enlightenment of another school-the essence is liberation.

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