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Sukanya Sujachaya


This article aims to summarize the attitudes of the ancient central Thai people towards sexual intercourse by analyzing the sexology textbooks of central Thai people and related literary works in order to arouse correct understanding towards sexual culture in Thai society.
Thai sexology textbooks explained that the origin of male-female sexual desire or lust was natural instinct when they were in reproductive age which did not need to be taught, and it was the activity which satisfied men and women. Hence, if there was a problem from any side, it must be solved. Therefore, the herbal pharmacopoeia were assimilated in Thai sexology textbooks as well.
Thai society emphasizes male role as a leader in sexual intercourse and an actor in satisfying female desire. Thus, the sexology textbooks focused on educating men about various types of women, learning to copulate with various sex positions which was believed to satisfy women. Therefore, the sexology books were restricted to only male readers.
Furthermore, a sexual intercourse among elites was considered as a ritual for familial and state’s stability because of its main purpose which was obtaining a good heir. Thus, besides considering the physiognomy of a female partner, the knowledge of astrology was also employed in scheduling the date for copulating. Then the sexology textbooks were guidelines for the ancient elites’ copulation.
Even Thai people accept that the sexual intercourse is a natural behavior, however discussing or teaching about sex directly is still considered to be shameful. Sexology textbooks are considered to be specific for certain readers and the information were hidden within codes, metaphors, symbols and by employing Pali words instead of using Thai words in order to diminish its impoliteness.

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Sukanya Sujachaya

Mahidol University


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