Research to Obtain Guidelines for Thai-English Translation for Developing Linguistic Landscape in Tourist Attractions in Thailand

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Puttachart Limsiriruengrai


            The purpose of this documentary research is to study relevant documents and literature in order to obtain guidelines for the development of a linguistic landscape in tourist attractions by using Thai to English translation. The documents and literature include 30 books and 10 research studies on the development of linguistic landscape in tourist attractions by means of translation. The research tools were 1) a table summarizing the findings from reviewing the concepts and theories from the literature in the book format, and 2) a table summarizing the findings from the previous studies review. The data were analyzed by implementing content analysis. From reviewing the concepts and theories, it was found that the guidelines for translating Thai into English for the development of linguistic landscape in tourist attractions complied with the guidelines for standardized language translation of Sanchawee Saibua (1999) based on Larson's theory (1997) regarding 1) form based translation and 2) meaning based translation, together with the public signs translation principles of Kang and Zhang (2008) and Qiannan (2012) which were 1) simple 2) clear 3) with suitable voice and 4)of standard. From the previous studies review, it was found that in the past, public relations signs have been studied and analyzed in terms of translation errors, language/s used in translation, translation strategies, and code mixing by collecting data from signs and target groups via photographs, questionnaires, observations and interviews. Therefore, the guidelines for Thai-English translation for developing a linguistic landscape in tourist attractions of Thailand were proposed as follows: data should be collected in forms of both photos and documents. Data on the needs of stakeholders in the development of the linguistic landscape should also be collected by using note taking, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Content analysis can be employed in data analysis. Experts and native speakers should be asked to verify the accuracy of the translation. Once the Thai-English translation has been obtained, it can be taken to the research area again to verify the validity or to explore the satisfaction of stakeholders on the development of the linguistic landscape by using Thai-English translation.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Puttachart Limsiriruengrai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Buriram Rajabhat University

A lecturer of Business English Program,

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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