An Analysis of Naresuan Phayao Journal and Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao

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Phornphan Jandaeng


          This research aimed to study the management of Naresuan Phayao Journal and Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao in terms of policy, objectives, staff, budget, publication, distribution, and to analyze the articles in these journals in terms of author, content, article format and citation. The data were obtained from 1) interviews with editors, editorial boards and coordinators and 2) extracts from the articles in Naresuan Phayao Journal and Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao.

          The study revealed that the University of Phayao has run two journals: Naresuan Phayao Journal and Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao. The articles therein were reviewed by 2 peer reviewers. 1,000 Baht was paid to a reviewer per article. The former published 3 issues a year while the latter 2 issues a year. University of Phayao granted a budget of 400,000 baht per year. Both journals have published hard copies as well as provided online access. The copies have been delivered free of charge to university libraries and educational institutions. Approximately 30 articles were published per volume. Citation format is based on the graduate citation criteria of University of Phayao. The problems found were as follows: 1) the numerous articles awaiting to be published; 2) the workload of the Division of Research Administration; and 3) the insufficiency of citations from the Journal Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao to be classified as a Tier 1 journal per the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre’s requirements.

          For an analysis of the articles, it was found that 1) most of the articles were research papers written in Thai by a single author outside the personnel of University of Phayao. Most articles in Naresuan Phayao Journal were mostly relevant to the agriculture, whereas in the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao mostly relevant to the education. The reference list in the Naresuan Phayao Journal frequently cited from the journals, whereas in Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Phayao mostly cited from books.

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Research Articles


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