The Union of Thai Sanghas in Europe Management

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Phramaha Nong Abpai


          This qualitative study purposes to study about policy and strategy in terms of propagation management of Buddhism by the Union of Thai Sanghas in Europe, analyze the management model of The Union of Thai Sanghas in Europe, and give advice about a new management model that conforms with the current social change. There are three methods that are used in this study. They are documentary research from Tripitaka and other documents, in-depth interviews from 25 savants, and focus group analysis from 12 savants. The results show that management policy and strategy of propagation of Buddhism in European Union is extensive in all fields under the law of Thai clergy, particularly in making relationships with other organizations and encouraging education of Thai Sanghas. However, they should have standardized policy and approach for regulating all temples. In the case of the management model of the Union of Thai Sanghas in Europe, Thai Sanghas do not understand policy and strategy. The action plan of the Union is not clear. Thai Sanghas do not have enough potential. These are weaknesses of the Union management model. On the other side, the strengths are clear administrative districts, being the hubs for groups of Thai Sanghas. These empower the management system and facilitate efficient coordination. Moreover, good management leads to stability, harmony, understanding and benefits in Buddhism, and among Buddhist monks and Buddhists. Nevertheless, there are many threats for efficient propagation of Buddhism such as a lack of human resources, budget, and support from Thai public agency and different cultures. The last aspect concerns the new management model of the Union of Thai Sanghas in the future. The Union should determine explicitly policy and strategy as well as use the same approach for propagation of Buddhism, including the role and duty of Board. Furthermore, Thai Sanghas in all countries should do the work in conjunction with each other, and organize public hearing meeting to receive suggestions from all generations of Sanghas, with the objective to enhance efficiency of management and stability of propagation of Buddhism.

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