Analysis of Syntactic Errors in Korean Relative Clause Produced by Beginning Thai Learners
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the syntactic errors in Korean relative clauses produced by beginning Thai learners. The data from 35 Thai universities are elicited through two tasks: a sentence combination task and a Thai-Korean translation task. The overall results indicate that 1) beginning Thai learners are able to produce Object-Subject (OS) type more correctly than Subject-Object (SO) type with statistical significance. This is in line with the Perceptual Difficulty Hypothesis (PDH) which proposes that the OS type is more difficult to be produced than the SO. 2) Syntactic errors in Korean relative clauses produced by beginning Thai learners can be divided into 2 types: sentence’s word order errors and case marker’s errors. This analysis suggests beginning Thai learners lack Korean relative clause’s syntax knowledge in finding both the matrix clause and grammatical marker.
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