Teaching of Writing: Process-based Approach

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Jiraporn Dhanarattigannon


Among four skills, writing is considered a difficult skill to develop. However, teaching writing is more difficult in terms of helping students particularly Thai college students to learn how to write and improve their writing ability. According to my study (Dhanarattigannon, 2008; 2009) and my experience of teaching and learning of writing, process-based approach does work well for Thai college students to promote their writing skills. Thai students have positive attitude towards writing and process-based instruction in an English writing class while they learn how to write and develop their writing skills. This paper aims to present writing process approach and discuss the key components of teaching of process-based writing (choice, time, and teacher-student conference) that work for Thai students.

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Academic Articles
Author Biography

Jiraporn Dhanarattigannon

Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University