Journal Writing : Language Activity and Teaching/Learning Evaluation

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Jiraporn Dhanarattigannon


“Journal writing” this term came to mind when I took a short course on testing at RELC in Singapore. During the course, participants were asked to write a ‘reflective journal’ as feedback to the lectures and for the RELC itself. I found that the purpose of writing this reflective journal which shares the same umbrella with journal writing was in some ways similar to and in others different from what i had experienced. Therefore, in the present paper, I would  like to share the idea about journal writing as a language learning activity for writing as well as teaching/learning evaluation, based on my own teaching experience and on what i have gained from the testing course at RELC in Singapore on 11 to 30 September 1995. The first part will give definition of journal writing. The second part will discuss about the application of the journal in terms of a tool of language instruction to develop writing skills, and for learner’s and teacher’s evaluation. In addition, some examples of journal entries will be given.

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Academic Articles
Author Biography

Jiraporn Dhanarattigannon

Department of Foreign Languages.

Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand)