The Strategy Development of Cultural Tourism Activity Management in Thali District, Loei Province

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Jariyakorn Thongpanwarat
Pornkamon Rahannok
Pornsawan Sirikanjanaporn
Thairoj Phoungmanee


This article aimed to 1) study the conditions and problems of the cultural tourism activity management and the needs of development of the cultural tourism activity management strategies; 2) develop the cultural tourism activity management strategies; and 3) approve the cultural tourism activity management strategies, Thali District, Loei Province. A qualitative research methodology was implemented for the study. The target group consisted of 68 participants, including the chief district officer, the chief executive of the sub-district organization, tourism group members, community developers, local scholars, leaders, and villagers. The instruments for collecting data were a record form, an interview, a focus group conversation, and a meeting. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The results were as follows:

1) The conditions and problems of cultural tourism management in Thali District were found to be that the types and planning management of cultural tourism were not clear, the routes and tourism activities were not challenging for the tourists to learn, and there was a lack of network creation and cultural tourism activities. The community tourism group needed to develop tourism activities to present their cultural identity. 2) The development of cultural tourism activity management consisted of four strategies related to cultures and needs in communities. 3) The results of the approval of the cultural tourism activity management strategies by experts are as follows: the aspect of management, there was systematic management; the aspect of personnel, the staff had skills, knowledge, and understanding in tourism management; the aspect of content, the content of tourism activities can enhance knowledge and understanding of cultural value; the aspect of the tourism program, there were various types of tourism with challenges; the aspect of tourism time management, the period of time was consistent with the tourists’ needs; and the aspect of expense, the operating expense was appropriate.

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How to Cite
Thongpanwarat, J., Rahannok, P., Sirikanjanaporn, P., & Phoungmanee, T. (2023). The Strategy Development of Cultural Tourism Activity Management in Thali District, Loei Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 258–271. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Jariyakorn Thongpanwarat, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand




Pornkamon Rahannok, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand



Pornsawan Sirikanjanaporn, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand





Thairoj Phoungmanee, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand





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