People Awareness and Self-Prevention in Case of Flood in Pattaya City

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Noppawan Phuengpha


This article has the objectives 1) to study the level of personal awareness of the people in Pattaya City in flood prevention, 2) to study the differences in the level of awareness classified by personal factors, and 3) to propose guidelines for promoting flood prevention. Awareness of the people in Pattaya City. The research model is quantitative research. Using the concept of measuring emergency awareness as a research framework, the research area is 5 communities: Soi 6Yossak, Central Pattaya, Khao Noi, Khao Talo and Chum Sai, Chonburi Province. The sampling group is people living in the area of Pattaya City in 6 flood-affected communities totaling 385 people. Use a convenient selection method and research tool was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by descriptive data analysis. Hypothesis testing was performed using t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. The results showed that firstly overall awareness was at moderate level (53.79%). Secondly, personal factors affecting self-protection against flooding of people in Pattaya City were age, education level, occupation, community, number of years living in Pattaya and channels for obtaining information about causes and prevention of flooding. Number of years living in Pattaya and channels for obtaining information about causes and prevention of flooding. And thirdly, Knowledge of town planning should be promoted. necessary equipment Tracking climate data Increase the number of volunteers and online medical channels. The knowledge gained from this research can be useful to the affected people in the area or in other areas of Pattaya City to study or learn more about issues with low scores. And Pattaya City can plan to solve the weakness issues.


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How to Cite
Phuengpha, N. (2023). People Awareness and Self-Prevention in Case of Flood in Pattaya City. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 500–519. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Noppawan Phuengpha, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University




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