The Best Practice in Administration of Secondary School Student Care-Taking System: Multiple Case Study Research

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Sarun Premsuk
Anucha Kornpuang
Rattana BuoSonte
Pakorn Prachanban


This article aimed to 1) study the problem of administration of secondary school student care-taking systems before discovering best practices, which were multi-case studies; 2) compare best practices in the administration of secondary school student care-taking systems, which were multi-case studies; and 3) present best practices in the administration of secondary school student care-taking systems. This was a qualitative multi-case study; 15 key informants were school administrators, guidance teachers, and teachers who had been involved in the student care-taking system at 5 schools that gained national honors from 2020 to 2022. Tools were semi-structured interviews and documentary research. The data analysis technique employed content analysis from field notes through transcription and analytic induction.

The study's findings were: 1. The issue is created by internal causes relating to student behaviors and following that are external issues created by the pupils' surroundings. 2. The best practices in the administration of secondary school student care-taking systems using the 5-step method of the student care system 3. The outcomes of best practices in the administration of student care-taking systems using the PDCA process. Key success factors: 1) Support for collaboration from all stakeholders; 2) Administrators’ priorities; 3) Administrators foster morale; 4) Never leave issues unsolved; 5) Establishing a clear method and framework; and 6) Choosing appropriate staff until outcomes encompass four dimensions: knowledge, skills, personality qualities, and economics. From the findings, it is possible to apply for administration of the student care-taking system in both public and private educational schools in order for students to have good physical and mental health and grow up to be good citizens of the nation.

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How to Cite
Premsuk, S., Kornpuang, A., BuoSonte, R., & Prachanban, P. (2023). The Best Practice in Administration of Secondary School Student Care-Taking System: Multiple Case Study Research. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(4), 1855–1872. Retrieved from
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