Cyberpsychology and Work in the Post-COVID-19 World: Mental Health, Generative AI, and Online Team Work
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The purpose of this article was to present concepts regarding cyberpsychology and work that emerged in the post-COVID-19 era and to contribute to further related research. From conceptual studies and literature reviews, it was found that cyberpsychology studies the use of technology in interactions with others, the development of technology to suit needs, and the impact of technology on behaviors and mental states. After the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the lifestyles, learnings, and behaviors of people in society have changed to rely more on technology, resulting in interesting issues related to work: mental health at work online, the advancement of generative artificial intelligence and related works, and online communication and teamwork processes. Thus, this article summarized the psychological effects that occur in order to illustrate the new era of work that involves computers and technology, work guidance, management, and online communication to promote employee well-being in the organization and the success of performance according to the goals of the organization. Future research approaches should focus on analyzing big data by applying the concepts of cyberpsychology to better explain complex and data-rich human behavior in the digital world.
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