Nayamukapdīpanī: Transliteration Translation and Analysis

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Phramaha Wattana Khamken
Phrapanyaratanakorn Samruay Pindon
Phrakrupaladsampipatdhammajan Niran Sirirat


This article aimed to (1) study NayamukapdĪpanĪ scriptures, including history, structure, content, and grammar related to other scriptures; (2) transliterate the NayamukapdĪpanĪ form of Pali Burmese script into Pali Thai script; and (3) analyze the value of the NayamukapdĪpanĪscriptures content. Continuing the study of the Tripitaka and commentary This research was qualitative, documenting the collaboration of the reviewer, Lane, and reading the book as a research tool framework.

1. The biography of the author named "Buddhacha" is of a monk who specializes in the Pali Tripitaka from Burma. He has more than 59 scriptures. The contents of the Netti Pakorn scriptures have 55 implications, similar to the Upajarnaya scriptures.

2. 107 spells were translated from Pali, Burmese, to Pali, Thai. In terms of translation, the researcher translated from Pali and Thai to Thai. by using the scriptures of Nayamukdi, Pani Padha, and Habits It's a translation guide.

3. The analysis of the structure of the scriptures is divided into 4 parts: worship of the Three Jewels, the Declaration, the 55 implications, and the conclusion. Analyzing the poetry of 8 syllables, Give examples from the Tripitaka, commentary, and grammar scriptures. The language uses concise words. It has a relationship with the Nettipakon scriptures, Tripitaka scriptures, commentaries, statutes, and grammar scriptures. This scripture is valuable. In terms of linguistic implications, it is used as a tool for studying the Buddha's words and disseminating the Dharma. can be used to interpret the meaning of the Buddha's words accurately and completely.

Knowledge from this research I obtained 55 implications of tools for studying the Tipitaka, commentary, and stipulations that were not wrong with the Lord Buddha's wishes. It is a tool to study ancient Pali grammar scriptures according to various implications, such as Niruttinai, etc., to promote the application of knowledge and propagation of the Dharma correctly and appropriately.

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How to Cite
Khamken, P. W., Samruay Pindon, P., & Niran Sirirat, P. (2023). Nayamukapdīpanī: Transliteration Translation and Analysis. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2729–2748. Retrieved from
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