Ethnosemantic Study of Thai Herbal Liquor Names

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Noltavich Keiwpoompwung
Panadda Rerakplian


This article aimed to study the meaning of Thai herbal liquor and the concepts of Thai people reflected in naming Thai herbal liquor. This qualitative research employed an ethnosemantic study as the framework. The participants in the research were a total of 15 producers and sellers of Thai herbal liquor from different areas. The research tool was an interview, and the data analysis and findings were descriptively written.

The results indicated that the names and meanings of Thai herbal liquor could be classified into three groups. 44 names of Thai herbal liquor in the first group were named according to their properties. 21 names and 19 names of Thai herbal liquor in the second group were named according to their intentional uses: to nourish the body and treat diseases, respectively. The 12 names of Thai herbal liquor in the last group were named according to the main ingredients. In addition, naming Thai herbal liquor reflected the concepts of Thai people, which were the attitudes towards sexuality in Thai society, the way of naming Thai herbal liquor with the use of euphemism, and the consumption of Thai herbal liquor by Thai males and females who had different personal uses of the liquor.

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How to Cite
Keiwpoompwung, N., & Rerakplian, P. (2023). Ethnosemantic Study of Thai Herbal Liquor Names. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 2994–3010. Retrieved from
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