The Participatory Approach to Community Water Resources Information Management

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Juntakan Panleow


This article introduces a participatory approach to community water resource information management. The objective was to explore the community’s participation in managing water resource information in Bueng Bun District, Sisaket Province. The data collection process involved focus group discussions. The ten participants included eight headmen of Bueng Bun District, one village headman, and one mayor. Analytical techniques were employed for data analysis, involving data synthesis followed by the creation of a descriptive summary of the findings.

The findings revealed that the participatory approach to community water resources information management in Bueng Bun District, Sisaket Province, includes conducting public relations on regulations forbidding the introduction of chemicals into the river. Additionally, water resource development involves the organization of activities to enhance water sources and fostering awareness about the importance of maintaining water source cleanliness. The approach to water resources management emphasizes collaborative rule-setting and enforcement, as well as the expansion of water reservoirs. Moreover, the approach to water resource maintenance is to educate in planning, specify sustained maintenance, and coordinate with other networks to ensure water resource maintenance. A further approach concentrates on the restoration of water resources, emphasizing awareness and knowledge dissemination for water resource restoration. The construction of weirs along community water sources. Finally, water resources conservation is to educate on water conservation, plant trees around water sources, join shallow water dredging, and issue regulations to prevent sewage disposal into the river.

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How to Cite
Panleow, J. (2023). The Participatory Approach to Community Water Resources Information Management. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3244–3258. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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