Applied Behavioral Analysis to Reduce Self – Head Banging Behavior of a Child with Deafness and at Risk of Intellectual Disabilities

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Wanida Keunpech
Pikul Leosiripong
Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Soisuda Vittayakorn


This research aimed to reduce the self-head banging behavior of deaf and at-risk children with intellectual disabilities by employing applied behavior analysis to create new alternative communication. The case study was obtained by purposive sampling. An 8-year-old boy was diagnosed with deafness by a physician and screened by trained teachers and occupational therapists with an educational screening form. Research tools were: 1) an alternative communication assessment set for a child with deafness and at risk of intellectual disabilities; 2) three individual lesson plans that were composed of 15 activities and took 30 minutes; and 3) a record observation of self-head banging. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and descriptive analysis.

The results showed that using an applied behavior analysis approach could reduce the self-head banging behavior of a child with deafness and at risk of intellectual disabilities, as follows: Baseline was 3, the first treatment session mean was 2.20, the withdrawal session mean was 0.60, and the second treatment session mean was 0.40, which could be interpreted as indicating that the numbers by head banging behavior decreased. The case study could use alternative communication in body language, picture cards, and sign language mode.

Knowledge of this research Reflecting on applied behavior analysis as a method of analyzing real objectives based on needs and finding ways to help, the case study chooses the method of assistance. Make the case study develop according to its ability to reach its fullest potential.

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How to Cite
Keunpech, W., Leosiripong, P., Tongsookdee, R., & Vittayakorn, S. (2023). Applied Behavioral Analysis to Reduce Self – Head Banging Behavior of a Child with Deafness and at Risk of Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3259–3277. retrieved from
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