Educator’s Awareness on Publishing Article Leading Lifelong learning in Academic Journal, Kasetsart University

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Pakhwan Pumsarai
Varataya Thammakittipob
Vikorn Tantawutho


The publication of research articles in academic journals can reflect the results of work to promote lifelong learning for the Thai population. This research aimed to study the published research articles related to the lifelong learning of educators in the academic journal of Kasetsart University. Research design was a qualitative method based on content analysis. It had set the operational procedures into two steps, which were: 1) data preparation and selecting research articles related to lifelong learning published in the journal prepared by Kasetsart University; and 2) studying the trends of the research articles that experts about lifelong learning with deductive and inductive methods have selected.

It was found that during 2011–2020, there was a relatively unstable publishing activity for the Journal of Education Review and Kasetsart Journal of Social Science. There were four main issues related to lifelong learning. The academics focused on the management of training to educate, which promotes learning style and the learning process.

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How to Cite
Pumsarai, P., Thammakittipob, V., & Tantawutho, V. (2023). Educator’s Awareness on Publishing Article Leading Lifelong learning in Academic Journal, Kasetsart University. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 2856–2871. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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