Resilience in Children of Poverty: Case Study of Students Granted Equitable-Education-Fund-Scholarships

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Siriwan Kamphaengphan
Narnimon Prayai
Thasuk Junprasert


Students from poor families are at higher risk for mental health problems. The important protective factor is resilience. Therefore, this research aimed to understand the context of significant adversity and resilience characteristic of poor students granted equitable-education-fund-scholarships. This qualitative research was a case study design. Key informants were 12, consisting of 4 adolescent students, one teacher, and one student’s parents of each student who gave information. They were purposefully selected based on the inclusion criteria, which were students studying at the junior high school level at a secondary school in Pathum Thani. They were purposefully selected based on the inclusion criteria; the instrument for collecting data was an in-depth interview. Research data were analyzed with content analysis to create inductive conclusions to answer the research objective. The research revealed three main issues: the first was the context of significant adversity. It consisted of two sub-issues: 1) the hardships with family, and 2) the difficulties that arise in academic and personal contexts. The second main issue was student resources to help overcome obstacles. It consisted of two sub-issues: 1) external resources: emotional support, appraisal support, information support, and material support; and 2) internal resources: positive characteristics and competence. The third main issue was the change in students after adversity. It consisted of three sub-issues: 1) the change in affective; 2) the change in cognitive; and 3) the change in behavior. This novel study on poor students suggested that schools establish a training protocol for involving students' families and teachers in promoting resilience.

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How to Cite
Kamphaengphan, S., Prayai, N., & Junprasert, T. (2023). Resilience in Children of Poverty: Case Study of Students Granted Equitable-Education-Fund-Scholarships. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3099–3122. Retrieved from
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