Strategy for Developing Excellence among Restaurant Entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Khon Kaen
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The objectives of this article were as follows: 1) to study management practices; 2) to analyze management processes; and 3) to develop a strategy for enhancing excellence among restaurant entrepreneurs (SMEs) in the Khon Kaen Province. The research methodology employed a qualitative research approach with participatory action research and techniques such as data analysis, document analysis, in-depth interviews, and focused group discussions related to concepts of development, strategic management, and excellence. The research framework was based on basic data from business owners, with the research area comprising seven restaurants in Khon Kaen Province. Key informants included business owners and managers, employees, and customers, totaling 21 individuals selected by purposive sampling. The research followed a focused approach, utilizing a set of four research tools: tool selection, tool development process, tool characteristics, and tool validation. Data analysis involved content analysis followed by narrative description.
The research results were as follows:
1) Businesses exhibited varying management approaches, often drawing from past experiences. However, there was a lack of long-term business management systems.
2) Entrepreneurs should possess techniques for guiding organizations, designing strategies aligned with the organizational context, listening to customer feedback, developing personnel, organizing operational systems, and analyzing and solving multidimensional problems, all to create distinct outcomes.
3) The development should be driven consistently in the same direction, involving planning, designing, and continuous improvement. This is achieved through evaluating the organization's leadership, organizational strategies, customer usage, financial performance, employee operations, and operational systems. Assessment is based on preset goals, encompassing percentages, quantities, frequencies, timeframes, and levels of achievement that correspond to the context.
Organizational knowledge is synthesized through the integration of visionary organizational leadership, strategic alignment, and consistently measuring customer satisfaction. Continuous personnel development is emphasized, along with the adaptation of operational systems to create distinct outcomes. This involves the constant evaluation, analysis, and management of knowledge, ultimately leading to its application and continual enhancement.
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