The Tourism Recreation Activities Management According Recreation Opportunity Spectrum by Geographic Information System of Community Tourism Village, Lampang Province

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Wallop Thongon
Saifon Suindaramathi
Pensiri Panpa


The objectives of the study were to 1) classify the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum areas of Lampang community tourist villages and 2) design induction modules and community communication for the spatial management of Lampang tourism villages. The research model is a combination methods that using Geographic Information System (GIS) and the concept of Recreation Opportunity Spectrum according to classification of recreation opportunity class. The research area is Lampang province, using the province's community tourism village as a sample groups. The instrument used in the research is the Geographic Information System program.

The study was found that 1) The tourism community villages was in Lampang Province. Most of the area is in the Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized natural area (SPNM), followed by Rural Natural Modified (RNM), Primitive (P), Semi-Primitive Motorized Natural Areas (SPM), Rural Areas (R) and Urban Areas (Urban) and 2) Modular learning lessons and community communication for spatial management of Lampang tourism village has designed and operated a community spatial management training modular learning based on Recreation Opportunity Spectrum concept (ROS) in Lampang province. to manage tourism recreation activities and tourism experiences in accordance with the ecosystem and community for increase the potential of communities to sustainable tourism.


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How to Cite
Thongon, W., Suindaramathi, S., & Panpa, P. (2024). The Tourism Recreation Activities Management According Recreation Opportunity Spectrum by Geographic Information System of Community Tourism Village, Lampang Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 149–166. retrieved from
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