Factors Affecting Work Efficiency of the 6th Earthwork Construction Machinery Personnel, Machinery Bureau, Royal Irrigation Department at Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
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The objectives of this article were to study the factors affecting the level of work of personnel, the level of work efficiency of personnel, and the factors affecting the work efficiency of the 6th Earthwork Construction Machinery Personnel, Machinery Bureau, and Royal Irrigation Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The sample consisted of 127 personnel in the 6th Earthwork Construction Machinery Personnel, Machinery Bureau, Royal Irrigation Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.
The results revealed that the total factors affecting the level of work of personnel were at a high level. The total level of work efficiency of personnel was at a high level, and factors affecting the work efficiency of the 6th Earthwork Construction Machinery Personnel Personnel, Machinery Bureau, and Royal Irrigation Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. There were 5 factors: morale, success, working environment, knowledge, and management policy. These factors were predictors explaining 84.3 percent of variance at a 0.01 statistically significant level. The prediction equation in raw score Y = 0.529 + 0.181X5 + 0.235X7 + 0.177X2 + 0.160X1 + 0.113X6 and the prediction equation in standard score Z = 0.302X5 + 0.243X7 +0.178X2 + 0.162X1 +0.160X6.
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