Development of Lesson Plan Writing Skill Focusing on Thinking Process for Social Education Students by Using a Manual on Learning Activity Management

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Panya Rungruang


This article aimed to: 1) create a learning activity manual to develop skills in writing a learning management plan that emphasizes the thinking process for students of the Bachelor of Education in Social Studies; and 2) investigate the efficiency of the learning activity manual in developing abilities in writing a learning management plan for students of the Bachelor of Education in Social Studies. The sample group in this research was students of the Bachelor of Education program in Social Studies at Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. The research tools consisted of structured interview forms, a learning activity manual to develop skills in writing a learning management plan that emphasizes the thinking process for students in the Bachelor of Education in Social Studies, and a skill assessment form for writing a learning management plan that emphasizes the thinking process. Arithmetic means, percentage, standard deviation (S.D.), and content analysis were the statistics used in the study. The results showed that:

1. The components of the learning activity manual for developing skills in writing a learning management plan that emphasized the thinking process for students in Bachelor Education in Social Studies created by the researcher were divided into 3 parts: 1) the leading part of the manual; 2) the content and activities, which were divided into Unit 1: Writing a Learning Management Plan and Unit 2: Organizing Learning Activities in the Social Studies subject focusing on thinking process development; and 3) a summary of the content and skills assessment of writing a learning management plan in the Social Studies subject that focused on the development of thinking processes.

2. The efficiency of the learning activity manual to develop skills in writing a learning management plan that emphasized the thinking process for students of the Bachelor of Education in Social Studies was 80.38/81.20, higher than the 80/80 efficiency criteria, and the students had the skills to write a learning management plan in the Social Studies subject that emphasized the thinking process at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Rungruang, P. (2024). Development of Lesson Plan Writing Skill Focusing on Thinking Process for Social Education Students by Using a Manual on Learning Activity Management. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 491–509. retrieved from
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