The Model for Compliance with Core Competencies of Personnel at Koob Sub-District Administration Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province

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Wanchai Wandee Hongthong


This article aimed to (1) study the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province, and (2) create a model and evaluate the compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province, consisting of gender, age, and education. (1) It had a confidence value of 0.97. Analyze the data for frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. (2) create a performance model based on the core competencies of Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization personnel, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province, by using factor analysis techniques; and (3) draft an assessment of performance models according to the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province. The sample group consists of professors with academic positions and human resource development experts. Using the assessment form, analyze the data to determine frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research results were found as follows: 1. The results of the study of the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province as a whole and in each aspect are at a high level. Sort the average score in descending order: notice of organization, ultimate determination, knowledge-based orientation, morality and integrity, and teamwork.

2. The results of creating the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province have five competencies: ultimate determination, knowledge-based orientation, morality and integrity, and teamwork.

3. The results of the assessment of the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province found that the accuracy of the operating model according to the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province as a whole is at a high level, and the suitability of the model for compliance with the core competencies of personnel at Koob Sub-District Administrative Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province as a whole is at a high level. It has value to a large extent; it can be used.

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How to Cite
Hongthong, W. W. (2024). The Model for Compliance with Core Competencies of Personnel at Koob Sub-District Administration Organization, Namkliang District, Sisaket Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 644–668. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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